On Monday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Legal View” anchor Christine Romans characterized Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s meeting with the press aboard her plane as like “an awkward first date to me.”

Romans stated, after playing a clip of Clinton’s meeting with the press aboard her airplane, “That felt like kind of an awkward first date to me.”

Senior Political Correspondent Brianna Keilar responded, “I think there always is, perhaps, an element to that. And let’s just be clear so that viewers know, there’s a — still a separation between the press and the candidate. The candidate has some privacy up at the front of the plane. I believe — in some of these cases, you could even have the press entering through the back of the plane while the candidate enters through the front. I remember on [Sen.] Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) plane, you would actually walk by the senator. And when I was on his plane, he would just read his newspaper, and sort of be doing his own thing, so even as you entered, there might not really be a chance there. But, as a journalist, this is something that is welcome. Hillary Clinton declared her candidacy last April, and for the last 16 months or so has traveled on a separate plane than the press. A lot of times, — and look, we should mention as well, Donald Trump does that. But, a lot of times, you think back to Mitt Romney, 2012, he traveled on the same plane as his press. There’s still some separation. … But there’s definitely an opportunity, a bigger opportunity, if, traveling on the same plane, that the candidate can come back and gaggle. That goes two ways. If there’s something they need to address, they can come back and quickly talk to the press about that, and then hopefully, it does give the press more access, and as Hillary Clinton hasn’t had a press conference — which is, that’s the formal press conference, right? Since December, it’s very welcome.”

(h/t Mediaite)

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