On Thursday’s broadcast of CNN’s “New Day,” journalist, author, and CNN Political Commentator Carl Bernstein argued that while there is a strong “disparity” between Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump that favors Clinton, she should “release her medical records, and spend an hour with the press talking about her health, that she also release those texts of the speeches before Goldman Sachs, say, as she did about foreign policy, and her vote on the war, I’ve learned from my mistakes, the American people want me to be more open.”

Bernstein said there is a “disparity between the two in terms of seriousness, experience, and even truth telling. Trump lies pathologically, no question Hillary Clinton, as I say in my book, has had a difficult relationship to the truth, but it’s much more situational lying. It’s nothing admirable, but it’s quite different than Trump’s record, lying about how he felt about the war, and going to war. This goes on and on. He needs to be called on it.”

He added that the release of Clinton’s email exchange with former Secretary of State Colin Powell, “helps her, because she indeed has said, I consulted with Powell. He gave me this advice. It doesn’t make the use of a private server in her basement defensible. It’s indefensible. It endangered national security. They’re apples and oranges to some extent. And at the same time, it shows that Powell looked for a run around of bureaucracy, but that’s different than Hillary Clinton trying to avoid accountability under the Freedom of Information Act, to Congress, etc., by setting up an inaccessible server in her basement.”

Bernstein continued, “That said, she has to break this cycle about the server, about her truthfulness, and I would suggest that she open up, that she starts holding press conferences, release her medical records, and spend an hour with the press talking about her health, that she also release those texts of the speeches before Goldman Sachs, say, as she did about foreign policy, and her vote on the war, I’ve learned from my mistakes, the American people want me to be more open. Here it is, and I’m starting right now in this campaign. I think there would be a tremendous turnaround in terms of how she is perceived, particularly she wants to make an issue of the taxes of Donald Trump, let her release her speeches.”

Bernstein further stated Clinton should “get past this guarded, private, secretive, sometimes disingenuous person, and let’s go and open up, because there is no parity.”

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