Sunday on NBC’s “Meet The Press,” while discussing Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s Friday night, comments describing half of Republican nominee Donald Trump’s supporters as “deplorables” driven by “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic” beliefs, New York Times columnist David Brooks said the remark showed a “dark” and “Nixonian” world view.

Brooks said, “First, you know, it was terrible week for politics, we had to race to the bottom before but this is like Usain Bolt speed, these two. I was struck by another sentence in that quote about the deplorables, that they are irredeemable. There is a reason no religion believes that. Because if you believe people are irredeemable you are saying they say they lack redeemable souls and in a lesser category of  human beings and that’s a dark, dark world view. That’s the risk with Clinton, she can be hard-working and very effective and very efficient but there is a dark world view that is semi-Nixonian lurking in there.”

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