On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” Democratic vice-presidential nominee Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) said Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s Friday comments that if Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s bodyguards had their guns taken away we would “see what happens to her,” was an incitement to violence.

When asked if  the comments are an incitement to violence against Hillary Clinton, Kaine said, “I do. I mean, use the other example, you put it in the context of other things, He has said if Hillary gets elected we may need Second Amendment people to take care of this. What did that mean when he said that just three weeks ago? And when you look at a series of these comments that he is making I do believe it is an incitement or at a minimum an expression to indifference as to whether violence would occur. This is a pattern that has been repeated over and over again and I think it doesn’t belong in any race, much less a race to be president of this country.”

(h/t WFB)

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