Monday on Fox News Channel’s “The O’Reilly Factor,” commentator Mark Steyn recounted his recent visit to Europe where he examined those that have had their lives impacted directly by Islamic terrorism.

Steyn agreed with earlier comments from host Bill O’Reilly that the migrants were not the problem and that it was jihadist that were. However, there was a correlation between a country’s Muslim population and how much terrorism takes place within its borders.

Partial transcript as follows:

O’REILLY: Political commentator Mark Steyn recently returned from Europe where he attended the priest funeral and spoke with a number of people affected by the Jihad. Mr. Steyn joins us now from Colchester, VT. What did you learn there? What was the headline that you learned in Europe, Mr. Steyn?

STEYN: Well, you said at the top of the show that migrants aren’t the problem, jihadists are. And that’s true but there is a crude arithmetic here, Bill which is that the more Muslims you have, the more terrorism you have. So, that France, Belgium and Germany have very high Muslim populations, and they have a lot of terrorism. When you were in Poland and the Czech Republic, they have very few Muslims so they don’t have terrorism. And the question for Europe, and I think for the United States a few years down the line is whether you can contain this, just by the big security state. I was on the beach.

O’REILLY: Go ahead.

STEYN: Well, no, you can’t. I mean, there were soldiers everywhere in France now. Outside of schools, shopping centers, railway stations. I was on the beach at Saint-Tropez where the topless women have armed soldiers with automatic weapons patrolling between the topless women. It’s a sad sight and it’s an absurd sight. Ultimately it’s no solution.

(h/t Grabien)

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