During an interview set to air on Wednesday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump stated that he would use stop-and-frisk to reduce crime rates in the African-American community.

Trump responded to a question on what he would to stop violence in the black community by saying, “[O]ne I’d do…is I would do stop-and-frisk. I think you have to. We did it in New York, it worked incredibly well. And you have to be proactive, and you really help people sort of change their mind automatically, you understand. You have to have — in my opinion, I see what’s going on here. I see what’s going on in Chicago. I think stop-and-frisk, — in New York City, it was so incredible, the way it worked. Now, we had a very good mayor, but New York City was incredible the way that worked. So, I think that would be one step you could do.”

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