Thursday on CNN’s “New Day,” while discussing the violent protests that erupted after a police shooting in Charlotte, NC, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D-NY) said Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is wrong in calling to increase the police tactic of “stop and frisk” because it increases “tensions between police and community.”

De Blasio said, “Stop and frisk was intensified for a limited period of time in the last decade, in particular. And the bottom line is it created a huge amount of division between police and community. We ended that unconstitutional use of stop and frisk. That overuse of stop and frisk. What’s happened in the three years since we made the change? Crime has gone down consistently since we actually stopped using it. Bill Bratton would say that what we need to do if we want more safety is bring police and community closer together. That’s what proved to be the case. So, you know, Donald Trump talks about stop and frisk like he knows the facts. He has had no experience with policing, no experience with public safety. He should really be careful because if we re-institute stop and frisk around this country you would see more tensions between police and community.”

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