On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” writer Andrew Sullivan argued, “the desire for a border wall, however ridiculous Trump is, the desire to have a real, firm border, to have legal control of your immigration, is an absolutely important, essential part of being a country, and insofar as the Democrats have shown themselves to be utterly indifferent to that, in their rhetoric and the way they’re trying to get votes from Latinos, I think is very unfortunate.”

Sullivan said, “How about the Democrats acknowledge there’s a difference between legal and illegal immigration, wouldn’t that be great? Those first days of the Democratic convention, you would be hard put to figure out whether they were talking about all immigrants, regardless of distinction. Look, the desire for a border wall, however ridiculous Trump is, the desire to have a real, firm border, to have legal control of your immigration, is an absolutely important, essential part of being a country, and insofar as the Democrats have shown themselves to be utterly indifferent to that, in their rhetoric and the way they’re trying to get votes from Latinos, I think is very unfortunate. That’s why a lot of people are really mad at them.”

He further asked, “Why can’t they do enforcement first.”

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