On Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Wolf,” Hillary for America Chairman John Podesta answered a question on whether the transcripts of Clinton’s Goldman Sachs speeches released by WikiLeaks are accurate by stating, “[W]e’re not going to get into that, and responded to a leaked email where he calls Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) a “doofus” by saying, “without conferring the accuracy of the email, I was frustrated with him, but he and I have a very good relationship.”

When asked if any of the emails or transcripts have been doctored, or if they were accurate, Podesta responded that he would only say that Assange claimed “I was a co-owner of the Podesta group, which is factually, completely untrue.”

When asked if the Goldman Sachs speech transcripts are accurate, Podesta stated, “[W]e’re not going to get into that, but what I would say is that she has said to people on Wall Street, before the 2008 election, during the crisis, and during these speeches that they need to be held accountable. They cannot be allowed to let Wall Street wreck Main Street again. She’s put out the most aggressive Wall Street plan of any candidate. What does Donald Trump want to do? Repeal Dodd-Frank. She’s been forward-leaning in saying that she will regulate and be tough on Wall Street, and that’s what she’ll do as president.”

Podesta was also asked if he had called Sanders a doofus. He answered, “Well, you know, I have great respect for Bernie Sanders. There was a moment where he opposed the Paris deal, where, without conferring the accuracy of the email, I was frustrated with him, but he and I have a very good relationship. A lot of rapport. I’ve worked for Pat Leahy (D), the other Senator from Vermont, and I’ve had a very good relationship with Senator Sanders, and I have a great affection for him, but I do think when he criticized the Paris agreement, I didn’t think he was taking the right position, and I’m very proud of President Obama for delivering such an important climate agreement.”

After anchor Wolf Blitzer said, “I’ll take that as a yes.” Podesta said, “I’ll take that as a statement that I have great admiration for Senator Sanders.” He further stated, “Look, there are even members of the CNN crew, who might read some of — you know, you say things in private that you regret, but, you know, I have great affection and great admiration for Senator Sanders.”

(h/t Grabien)

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