Friday on CNN’s “New Day,” veteran journalist Carl Bernstein speculated on what the future holds for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, assuming Trump is defeated by Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton next month in the general election.

According to Bernstein, Trump is setting himself up as the head of what he called a “neo-fascist movement,” which includes a “media empire.”

“I think the most interesting thing going on right now is Trump saying that he may not go along with the results of this election,” Bernstein said. “What does it really mean? It means that I think that he is setting himself up, again I’m going to go back to that neo-fascist term, as the head of a real neo-fascist movement and media empire with the people from Breitbart. His business are going into the tank as a result of where he has come out in this election. And there’s talks going on. I think we know about that – about a media empire. And is there going to be remnants of a neo-fascist movement that he leads in this country after this election? It’s a dangerous thing. We’re in a dangerous place.”

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