During an interview on Tuesday’s edition of MSNBC’s “Hardball,” host Chris Matthews gave Vice President Joe Biden a pair of boxing gloves to help in “taking on Donald Trump with fisticuffs, behind the gym.”

Matthews said, “I’ve been listening to you the last couple of days. You were talking about taking on Donald Trump with fisticuffs, behind the gym. So, I brought something along for you that might be helpful to you in your new endeavor, a couple of boxing gloves. These are worn boxing gloves. These are the real things.”

Biden, after thanking Matthews for the “great” gift, stated that he was “trying to make a point.” He elaborated that “People didn’t act in the locker room like he [Trump] talks about. That’s not true. And you and I both know, if in the locker room, in a school I went to, one of the guys said, this is what I’m going to do because I’m the star halfback or quarterback. I’m the boss, and my sister and her girlfriends are out there, I would take the guy behind the gym.”

Biden continued that Trump is “insulting everybody in the neighborhoods I come from, and the people who played ball.”

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