On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” columnist Charles Krauthammer argued that Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton set up her email server because she anticipated having things to hide, and now we know “exactly what she anticipated having to hide,” the “dirty” workings and “rank corruption” of the Clinton Foundation.

Krauthammer said, [relevant remarks begin around 3:30] “It was obvious she was hiding something. And think about it, she set it up in 2009, before becoming Secretary of State. So, she anticipated having exchanges that she would not want anyone to see. So, we’ve been asking ourselves on this set for a year almost, what exactly didn’t she want people to see? Well, now we know. And as we speculated, the most plausible explanation was the rank corruption of the Clinton Foundation, and its corrupt — I don’t know if it’s illegal, but corrupt relationship with the State Department. And her only defense as we saw earlier, the Democrats are saying, well, there was nothing she did…that was corrupted by donations. You can believe that if you want, but there’s a reason that people give donations in large amounts, and that’s to influence the outcome of decisions. So, this — we are getting unfolding to us, exactly what she anticipated having to hide, and it is really dirty business.”

He later added that Hillary learned from the Lewinsky scandal that lying allows you to get away with inappropriate conduct.

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