On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” CNN Political Commentator and former Obama adviser Van Jones declared, “[I]f Trump were black, you would call him a thug.” And that Trump’s accusations against the Central Park Five and “that the Mexicans coming into the country were rapists” were “projection.”

Jones said, “[I]f Trump were black, you would call him a thug. That’s what you call him. Any African-American going around bragging about sexual assault, every African-American would have to come on the air and apologize for the failure of black men and the violence of black men. … He came on the scene to get famous, he said, these African-American boys in Central Park were what? Sexual assaulters. Then he said that the Mexicans coming into the country were rapists and sexual assaulters. It turns out, it was the white dude who was a sexual assaulter the whole time. It was projection.”

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