On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” co-host Mika Brzezinski argued that women “fight until the bitter end” and Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s campaign “is focused on the right things and trying to fight, fight hard, and fight ugly in the right way.”

Brzezinski said that while the Clinton camp’s reaction to FBI Director James Comey was “hollow and reactive and borderline dishonest.” The Clinton team’s strategy is “strong, because it’s going after the real, honest weaknesses of her opponent, and that’s the math the voter ultimately has to do, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. And Hillary Clinton and her staff is much better when they’re on the defensive. You know, the, ten days ago, going to concerts and feeling like this was won, that’s just not Hillary Clinton. That might be Bill Clinton. That might be the male point of view, which is, eh, we got this. But women, don’t — we fight until the bitter end to get where we need to go. And I think she’s now doing that, and it’s hopeful, but it’s going to be to the bitter end. I’m hearing there’s a potential he could win. That is disturbing. And now you’re seeing, I think, a campaign that is focused on the right things and trying to fight, fight hard, and fight ugly in the right way.”

She concluded by asking, “But, it’s been a rough week, don’t you think?”

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