During CNN’s Election Night coverage anchor Jake Tapper and Chief Political Correspondent Dana Bash criticized Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s decision to send campaign chair John Podesta out to announce to her victory party that she wouldn’t concede and said that if Donald Trump did likewise, there would be outcry from Democrats and people in the media.

Tapper said, “Corey Lewandowski is right. There was a lot of talk over the last month, and a question at a presidential debate just for Donald Trump, not for Hillary Clinton, about whether or not he would accept the results of this election, and the idea that we are being told by one of the campaigns, they’re not going to have a comment, when we’re really — we are just one state projection away from there being a president-elect declared by the media is remarkable, and I agree with those who are saying if the tables were turned, if it were reversed, there would be a lot of outcry by people in the media and others about Donald Trump’s behavior.”

Bash added, “I agree that if the tables were turned, and if Donald Trump were waiting for one more state, and he said, never mind I’m not going to come out, or suggested that the phone call wouldn’t be made to say congratulations Madam President-Elect, if the tables were turned, it would be — the Democrats would be screaming from the rooftops.”

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