In a post-election interview with Dutch TV Nieuwsuur, long-time Clinton ally Sidney Blumenthal expressed his dismay over last Tuesday’s presidential election results, which was a defeat for Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Blumenthal described the loss as a “coup,” which was orchestrated by the FBI’s New York office and that former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, a backer of President-elect Donald Trump, was connected.

“It was the result of a cabal of right-wing agents of the FBI in the New York office attached to Rudy Giuliani, who was a member of Trump’s campaign,” Blumenthal said. “And I think it’s not unfair to call it a coup.”

“A coup, even?” the Dutch television interviewer asked.

“Yeah, a coup d’etat,” Blumenthal replied.

(h/t Daily Caller)

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