Breitbart News contributor, Fox News contributor, and Washington Times columnist Charles Hurt stated it’s “absurd” to say White House Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor Stephen K. Bannon is racist or anti-Semitic on Monday’s edition of FNC’s “Special Report.”

Hurt said, “A lot of what we have heard in the past 18 months has been shocking. A lot of it’s been impolitc, but political correctness has taken a huge blow in politics, and certainly the breitbart is perfect example, that Steve Bannon is an example of that. He charges for the gates, but to equate that to being anti-Semitic or racist I think is absurd, and I think that these people, they do a great discredit to themselves by cheapening racism, cheapening anti-Semitism by accusing these people of that, because it’s just ridiculous.”

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