During an interview on Wednesday’s “Alan Colmes Show” on Fox News Radio, Representative Tim Ryan (D-OH) blasted the lack of re-evaluation in the House Democratic Party after the election, wondering, “How do you get your rear end kicked like we got our rear end kicked, and not even have a conversation about it?” And adding that the Democrats’ campaign committee meeting “wasn’t in touch with reality.”

When asked if he thought House Minority Leader Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) wasn’t the person to lead the party going forward, Ryan answered, “we at least need to have that discussion for God’s sake. I mean, let’s — we’ve got a lot of smart people that are in the Democratic Caucus, and a lot of people who can’t quite figure out — and some people that actually know why we — this great blue firewall that was Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio collapsed.”

He added that the Democrats “got off our economic message.” Ryan continued that talking about re-training blue collar workers doesn’t work because it’s training people for jobs that don’t exist in their communities and that they don’t want.

Ryan further said, “How do you get your rear end kicked like we got our rear end kicked, and not even have a conversation about it? I mean, that’s ridiculous. There’s no re-evaluation, we had a — there was a campaign committee meeting today. And just there wasn’t — it wasn’t in touch with reality.” He added that Democrats “screwed up” in failing to connect with working class voters.

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