On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Hardball,” Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) stated that “several” Republican senators he has talked to have “profound misgivings” about making either former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) or former UN Ambassador John Bolton Secretary of State.

Rand said that based on conversations with other GOP senators, “I’m not the only one with some misgivings over both Giuliani and Bolton. And I haven’t met a Democrat that’s for either one of them, but I’ve met several Republicans that aren’t. We have a 52-48 majority. All it would take [is] two or three Republicans to say that they can’t go along with Giuliani, and can’t go along with Bolton.” Rand added that Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) would be confirmed, adding, “I’ve probably met 15 Democrats in the last two days who have said they would vote for his confirmation, but they are very, very worried about Bolton, very, very worried about Giuliani.”

When asked if he could defeat Giuliani or Bolton in an up or down vote, Rand answered “[Y]ou’d have to have two or three Republicans, and like I say, I’m one, and I think there are two or three others that I met with today that I would say that the best way to describe them is profound misgivings about either Bolton or Giuliani.”

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