During an interview with Trump campaign Digital Director Brad Parscale on Friday’s “MSNBC Live,” NBC News Correspondent Hallie Jackson asked Parscale if there was “voter suppression happening” and “Was there voter depression? The idea that if you lower turnout in certain demographic communities that it would help the numbers on your side?”

Jackson asked, “[Y]our team spent more money on Facebook than any other candidate, basically. Why was that specific outlet so important for the team? And did you — was there voter suppression happening as well to try to get some these –?”

Parscale cut in, “No. That — there was no voter suppression ever coming out of our campaign. That was a comment that I didn’t make. Now –.”

Jackson followed up, “Was there voter depression? The idea that if you lower turnout in certain demographic communities that it would help the numbers on your side?”

Parscale responded, “Well, I think when you start looking at Facebook, and you start identifying individual voters, and you start to say, these are the voters we need, these are the voters we want to have turn out, these are the voters we need, you create content that focuses on what they want to see. You know, and in our case, we needed to show Mr. Trump was a change candidate. He was about urban renewal. He was about jobs and trade. And when we did that, we could start to move those people over into our win column.”

(h/t RCP)

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