On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” co-hosts Mika Brzezinksi and former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough, along with former Pennsylvania Governor and DNC Chair Ed Rendell criticized the audience and cast of a performance of “Hamilton” for their treatment of Vice President-Elect Mike Pence.

After Scarborough said that “Hamilton” taught him you can respect people you disagree with, and that the artistic community in New York is “open-minded.” He pretended to be shocked and outraged at the news that Pence and his family were booed, saying, “Wait, but hold on, I thought people in the flyover space were supposed to be really close-minded.” Scarborough further asked if the cast told the crowd “not to act like savages?”

Brzezinski stated that the cast’s speech to Pence “might have actually been, kind of pinpointing people in a very awkward situation, maybe even potentially dangerous. But it was not a good night.” She added, “I thought it was the wrong thing to do.”

Rendell agreed, adding, “There have to be limits. Public officials have to have some space that’s off-limits.” Rendell and Brzezinski further added that holding a press conference or delivering a letter to Pence would have been fine.

(h/t WFB)

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