On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “O’Reilly Factor,” columnist Charles Krauthammer argued that President-Elect Donald Trump’s claim that millions of people voted illegally is something Trump can’t back up and comparable to “Jill Stein saying in Wisconsin and Michigan there could have been fraud,” a move he compared to saying aliens could have stolen ballots using a ray guns, a “fundraising scam,” and Stein “cashing in on her sabotage.”

Krauthammer reacted to President-Elect Donald Trump’s claim that millions of people voted illegally by saying, “Well, of course he’s not going to be able to back it up. And, you know, it’s like Jill Stein saying in Wisconsin and Michigan there could have been fraud, there could have been [a] systematic cyberattack, there could have been some kind of Russian shenanigans in the outcome of this election, and therefore, let’s do a recount. Well, there could be a lot of things. That doesn’t make them true. I mean, it could be that there are aliens circling the earth, and on Election Day they — and they’re invisible, of course, they train their ray guns on the ballot boxes of several states, and, as a result, 3 million GOP votes disappeared. Anything could be.”

He added that it is possible that millions of people did vote illegally, but there’s a “big difference…between saying x might have happened, and saying x did happen, and as a result, I won the popular vote, and that’s the issue here. I agree with you. There should be laws where it is impossible for a non-citizen to vote, that it clearly is intended only for the citizenry, but to extrapolate, as you’re doing, I think is simply illogical and an unbelievable leap.”

Krauthammer further criticized Stein’s recount attempt as a “fundraising scam” for the Green Party, and argued that if Stein cared about Wisconsin and Michigan, she wouldn’t have campaigned there and taken votes away from Democratic nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Krauthammer further dubbed Stein “the Ralph Nader of 2016, now cashing in on her sabotage.”

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