On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Kelly File,” attorney and Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz argued the UN Israeli settlement resolution “could not have happened without the complete support and encouragement of the United States,” predicted there will be “Congressional hearings” on what role the US played, and stated Secretary of State John Kerry “has now discouraged the Palestinians from coming forward and negotiating, because what basically he said to them is, it’s not your fault, it’s the Israelis’ fault.”

When asked if the US colluded with other countries to pass the UN Israeli settlement resolution, Dershowitz responded, “Well, I think it’s obvious. First of all, if the United States did not have any role in helping this go through, it would show that we’ve abdicated responsibility. Of course we had some role.

Dershowitz added, that there will be “Congressional hearings” on what role members of the administration played, “This could not have happened without the complete support and encouragement of the United States, and this sets back the peace process enormously. Secretary Kerry, who I know well, and who means well, has now discouraged the Palestinians from coming forward and negotiating, because what basically he said to them is, it’s not your fault, it’s the Israelis’ fault.”

He also stated, “President Obama deliberately and undemocratically tied the hands of his successor by having a resolution of the security council that cannot now be undone, because of the veto power. And it is so undemocratic for a lame-duck president, when Congress is not in session, to take out his anger and pique at another country, by tying the hands of the incoming president.”

Dershowitz also characterized Kerry’s speech earlier in the day as “fictional” and a “re-writing of history.” As well as “dangerous.”

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