On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Huffington Post Senior Politics Editor Sam Stein stated, “you look at the destruction of the Democratic Party under Barack Obama’s leadership and you have to wonder…what were the electoral benefits that he gave to the party?”

Stein began by saying that “[T]o a certain extent, you have to say, okay, the Democrats may be over-analyzing their loss a tiny bit, because they did ended up with 2.9 — or 2.8 million more votes for their candidate. It was 80,000 votes in three states that really cost her.”

He continued, “But then on the other hand, you look at the destruction of the Democratic Party under Barack Obama’s leadership and you have to wonder, you know, what was the political — what were the electoral benefits that he gave to the party? He leaves them in a much worse position. He — the states are decimated. They’ve lost control of the House and the Senate. The governorships are decimated. So, yeah, maybe — he is obviously a gifted candidate. He did won — he did win election twice, by substantial margins, but his legacy as a politician is a bit muddied by all that.”

(h/t GOP War Room)

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