Thursday on CNN’s “Wolf,” incoming White House press secretary Sean Spicer said the media should question why the Democratic National Committee did not do their “due diligence” to “protect their own systems” from Russian hacking.

Partial transcript as follows:

TAPPER: Nobody’s talking about — nobody’s talking about the election systems being hacked. They’re talking about the DNC being hacked and John Podesta being hacked and all sorts of information about these private conversations being made public.

SPICER: At what point is it incumbent upon you guys in the media to ask the DNC what measures do they take to protect this? Because it seems to me there’s a lot of talk about the DNC not doing what they should have done to protect their own network servers. I’m not saying in any way shape or form, to be clear, any attempt to hack or to do anything nefarious is wrong and illegal. At some point, the question hasn’t even been asked of the DNC, did you take basic measures to protect the data that was on there? No one wrote those e-mails. No one put a private server on there. No one seems to have done the due diligence at the DNC to protect their own systems.

TAPPER: I don’t think there’s any question they did a horrible job —

SPICER: But have you ever asked that question of anyone at the DNC? Where’s the responsibility of them to protect their systems? The outcome is not acceptable. iI agree with that. Nobody is by any way suggesting that’s acceptable behavior. But I don’t believe once I’ve ever seen an interview where anyone at the DNC was asked the question whether they take any responsibility for what is clearly a lax effort to protect their own networks.

TAPPER:  When they come out from under their desks, I’ll be sure to ask them. I have not interviewed anybody from the DNC since the election.

(h/t The Hill)

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