During an interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd for “Meet the Press” on Friday, Representative John Lewis (D-GA) stated, “I don’t see the president-elect as a legitimate president. … I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others, that helped him get elected.”

When asked if he planned to build a relationship with President-Elect Donald Trump, Lewis answered that he believes in forgiveness and trying to work with people, but that “it’s going to be very difficult. I don’t see the president-elect as a legitimate president.”

He added, “I think the Russians participated in having this man get elected, and they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton. I don’t plan to attend the Inauguration. … I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others, that helped him get elected. That’s not right. That’s not fair. That’s not the open, democratic process.”

(h/t Caitlin Huey-Burns)

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