Friday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh dismissed the notion that President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration would be interfered with because of those there protesting the proceedings.

“That is going to peter out,” Limbaugh replied to the question from a caller. “That’s going to be nothing more than a golden shower. They’re going to be … Don’t let that stop you. The Million Woman March? I don’t even think that’s for Inauguration Day. Isn’t it the day before be the day after? The it’s the next day. And be no’s gonna care anyway. They can’t even find enough people. Probably get a little bit more now that I’m mocking them here. No. Don’t let that bunch of broads stop you from seeing this. In no way. If that’s the march that you’re concerned, no way. Don’t let that bunch deter you at all.

(h/t RCP Video)

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