Monday on CNN’s “Wolf,” addressing several Democrats calling into question President-elect Donald Trump’s legitimacy, former Obama administration green jobs czar and network contributor Van Jones said Donald Trump “seemed to have opened the door for this kind of disrespect” by questioning Obama’s birthplace.

Jones said, “It seems to me that there is an irony here that other have mentioned that Donald Trump seemed to have opened the door for this kind of disrespect for the president. In other words, he seems to be — Donald Trump seems to be asking for a respect of the office and a respect of the office holder, that he did not himself grant to President Obama. I think it’s hard sometimes for people who are liberals, who are Democrats, to hear Trump supporters saying that we should now govern ourselves in a way that Donald Trump did not.”

When asked if he was referring to birtherism Jones confirmed by saying, “Yes I am,” adding, it took Trump, “almost eight years to finally admit that President Obama was born here and to stand by that statement.”

(h/t Grabien)

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