During a speech before Republican lawmakers in Philadelphia, PA on Thursday, British Prime Minister Theresa May stated that because of Republican victories in Congress, and “President Trump’s victory…rooted, not in the corridors of Washington, but in the hopes and aspirations of working men and women across this land,” “America can be stronger, greater, and more confident in the years ahead.”

May said, “[Y]our victory in these elections gives you an opportunity to put them [conservative principles] at the heart of this new era of American renewal too. President Trump’s victory, achieved in defiance of all of the pundits in the polls, and rooted, not in the corridors of Washington, but in the hopes and aspirations of working men and women across this land, your party’s victory, in both the Congress and Senate, where you swept all before you, secured with great effort, and achieved with an important message of national renewal. And because of this, because of what you have done together, because of that great victory you have won, America can be stronger, greater, and more confident in the years ahead. And a newly emboldened, confident America is good for the world. An America that is strong and prosperous at home is a nation that can lead abroad.”

She added, “But you cannot and should not do so alone. You have said that it is time for others to step up, and I agree. Sovereign countries cannot outsource their security and prosperity to America, and they should not undermine the alliances that keep us strong by failing to step up and play their part.”

May then listed examples of the UK playing its part.

(h/t GOP War Room)

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