Thursday on MSNBC’s “All In,” discussing President Donald Trump’s first week in office, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) said, “We have the president of the United States after only seven days in office has proven himself to be a repeated liar and a propagandist about facts.”

Booker said, “Number one we have the president of the United States after only seven days in office has proven himself to be a repeated liar and a propagandist about facts. Number two, he’s dangerously attacking some of the fundamental institutions that make us a great democracy. Number three we’re having a conversation about crowd size when really some of the most powerful people on the planet earth, secretary of state, attorney general, head of the EPA are being pushed through a process that they’re going to send to seats where they’re going to have a chance to affect policy in dramatic ways, in my opinion, very dangerous ways. So this is this has probably been a seven-day stretch where all Americans should be outraged by a propagandist and someone who is repeatedly lying as opposed to talking about the issues are really going to affect everyday Americans.”

“Like the efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act and not replace it with something which will destabilize, according to the Congressional Budget Office, millions of Americans’ health insurance,” he continued. “All the way to the fact that we have real issues with voting in America, not these manufactured made up ones. But the ones that independent civil rights organizations, federal judges are saying is going on. Which is not in-person voter fraud which you’re more likely to be struck by lightning than experience that but by voter suppression, laws being pushed in America right now that federal judges have said, at least in a North Carolina case, are narrowly tear tailored to affect specific populations. So I’m outraged and America, I don’t care if you’re on the right or left, to have a president lie to you repeatedly, distract you from the real issues of health care, of jobs, of our fundamental freedoms is unacceptable and demands that we as a people respond.”

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