On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) would not rule out a Democratic filibuster against President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.

Partial transcript as follows:

WALLACE: Are you prepared to roll out a Democratic filibuster of this nominee?

DURBIN: Let me just say, I not going to jump ahead and tell you how I’m going to treat any nominee until I know who they are, what they stand for. What we said is that if you bring us a moderate nominee and I told the White House this directly—

WALLACE: Wait wait, not all of Barack Obama’s choices were moderate nominees. There were some pretty liberal nominees there. He won he is allowed to have people of his philosophical stripe.

DURBIN: There is a different world here. When I listen to your lead in and Mitch McConnell said we just want to be treated the way we treated Obama nominees. Does he think we have amnesia? That he refused for the first time in the history of the senate to meet with or have a hearing or a vote on a Supreme Court nominee. We will treat this nominee fairly, but we need to know who he or she is, what they stand for, and believe, and that they are the mainstream of thinking when it comes to the American political thought.

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