On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks stated of President Trump’s immigration order, “I’m not sure it’s illegal, but it’s extremely stupid. I’m a little uncomfortable with the idea of judges overruling presidents on national security matters.”

Brooks said, “I’m not sure it’s illegal, but it’s extremely stupid. I’m a little uncomfortable with the idea of judges overruling presidents on national security matters. Nonetheless, you would  — so whether it’s unconstitutional or not, I leave to others. But it certainly has sucked the wind out of two or three weeks of this administration for no good reason. There is — there has never been evidence that people from these countries are disproportionately likely to commit terrorist acts. We’ve sent chaos to the airports. We’ve offended the world. We’ve derailed the administration. We’ve done it in such an incompetent way — the administration has, that people with perfectly legal residence have been widely inconvenienced. And so it’s just been a screw-up from beginning to end, and so, it’s just been a running derailment.”

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