On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto,” National Sheriffs’ Association President and St. Charles, LA Sheriff Greg Champagne argued that illegal immigration is “big burden on sheriffs, border sheriffs, state sheriffs on that border, and it’s time that we send a message that just, the law is going to be enforced, and to say that we’re not going to cooperate, or for a governor to ask his people not to cooperate with the federal government is appalling.”

Champagne said that the outrage over Trump’s immigration plan is “a case where it’s all about the messenger and not the message. The Obama administration deported 2.5 million illegal aliens during his last term. And you didn’t see the coverage. You didn’t see the uproar. You didn’t see all the gnashing of teeth that you see now.”

He added, “Let me be clear, there are no sheriffs out there that want to go round up kids from schools, and otherwise people who are law-abiding, who are doing what they’re supposed to be doing. But we have to bring a halt to the influx of illegal immigration at our southern border. It is a big burden on sheriffs, border sheriffs, state sheriffs on that border, and it’s time that we send a message that just, the law is going to be enforced, and to say that we’re not going to cooperate, or for a governor to ask his people not to cooperate with the federal government is appalling.”

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