On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) stated that what he heard from President Trump’s speech before Congress was, “This man has the ability to correct the unfair trade deals that we have. I truly believe that. He understands business. He can sit down and make a deal.”

Manchin said, “[T]he things I heard last night was this: This man has the ability to correct the unfair trade deals that we have. I truly believe that. He understands business. He can sit down and make a deal. And I’ve been saying this all along…boy, I wish I was dealing with the united states government, what patsies they are. … They don’t know how to make a deal. He understands that. Can he right it? I think it’ll help an awful lot. So, some of the things that we heard last night, the family leave was great. I think he wants immigration. I think he wants a pathway forward.”

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