On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” columnist Charles Krauthammer reacted to the reported delay in President Trump signing a revised travel ban by arguing that such a delay “completely undermines the rationale they gave for the original executive order,” and stating, “I would not be surprised if they water this down to the point where it’s quite meaningless.”

Krauthammer said the delay [relevant remarks begin around 8:15] “completely undermines the rationale they gave for the original executive order, which was, we have to do this right away. No warning, because the bad hombres out there are just waiting to come in. Well, the bad hombres out there have had a lot of — weeks now to come in They’re going to have more. It obviously was post facto excuse, that held no water, and I would not be surprised if they water this down to the point where it’s quite meaningless.”

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