On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” host Andrea Mitchell argued that daily State Department press briefings are “one of the things we tell people in Iraq and in Afghanistan and other parts of the world, as they are just beginning after their first elections to have a free press or try to have a free press, and it’s been a model for the world, and we no longer have that.”

Mitchell said, while discussing the postponement of what was supposed the new State Department’s first press briefing from the podium, “[W]e are the only foreign ministry around the world that has a reputation — that has a policy of briefing every day, going back to the 1950s, to the Eisenhower administration, and it’s one of the things we tell people in Iraq and in Afghanistan and other parts of the world, as they are just beginning, after their first elections, to have a free press — or try to have a free press, and it’s been a model for the world, and we no longer have that.”

(h/t Grabien)

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