During an interview with Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) on Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” host Mika Brzezinski told Schiff, “it sounds like you’re parenting the president.” And “It’s like parenting.”

Brzezinski said to Schiff “[I]t sounds like you’re parenting the president. I mean that without any snark. I mean it — you keep saying that we need to show the president there are costs to making these claims, that you have to understand the ramifications of making baseless claims. It sounds like something you would say to a child that you are raising.”

Schiff then said, “Well, look, you know, at a very fundamental level, Democrats or Republicans, we need the presidency to be successful. We don’t want to see our standing in the world diminished to — we don’t want to give up our role as the champion of liberty around the world. This president is not yet standing up to his responsibilities. And, you know, we’re doing our best to impress upon him the gravity of his position. I am losing hope, frankly, that that’s ever going to happen, but we have to try.”

Brzezinski added, “When you’re trying to raise a young, beautiful person, you want that person to be successful. It’s like parenting. It really is.”

(h/t Mediaite)

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