On Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” co-host Mika Brzezinski stated that she thinks President Trump “has ADD or something, and he’s just not even there.”

Fellow co-host former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough stated, “I find it spectacularly clumsy, short-sided, some might even say stupid to not shake the hand of the — your most important ally in Europe.” During Scarborough’s criticism of Trump, Brzezinski interjected, “Buffoon-like?” She further stated, “And he can’t say he didn’t hear it. Just for the record, it wasn’t just her saying would you like to do a handshake. Was he out of it, somewhere else?”

After Washington Post columnist David Ignatius argued Trump refused the handshake to “stick it to” the Germans, Brzezinski responded, “I honestly don’t think he thinks that hard.” She added, “I have a different hypothesis. I think he’s thinking about what he’s going to eat for dinner. I don’t think he’s even there, honestly. I think he has ADD or something, and he’s just not even there. He was out of it.”

(h/t Mediaite)

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