Wednesday on MSNBC’s “For the Record,” Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) discussed the House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) saying today the U.S. intelligence community “incidentally collected” information on President Donald Trump’s transition team and committee ranking member Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) saying there is more than circumstantial evidence in the investigation into potential collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russia.

Because of those conclusions from Nunes and Schiff, McCain called for a special committee to take over the investigation because Congress no longer has the “credibility to handle this alone.”

McCain said, “What we need is a select committee. We know that the Russians interfered with our election and they did not achieve in affecting the outcome but we know that for sure. We know that there are cyber attacks going on all the time. There are leaks going on all the time. And so what we need to address this whole issue of what the Russians did, how they did it, the impact and what we do about it, I now believe belongs in the hands of a select committee.”

He continued, “I’m afraid that’s the conclusion I have reached and I didn’t do it lightly, but, yes, it is bizarre — the things that are being said. There is no substantiation for either what Chairman Nunes said or is there substantiation for what Congressman Schiff said.”

He added, “It’s a bizarre situation. So what I think, the reason why I’m calling for this select committee or a special committee is I think that this back and forth and what the American people have found out so far that no longer does the congress have the credibility to handle this alone. And I don’t say that lightly.”

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