On Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” New York Times Reporter and MSNBC Contributor Jeremy Peters stated, “there’s a lot of frustration privately among Democratic Senators, who will tell you, it’s incredibly shortsighted of the Democrats” to try to filibuster Judge Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court.

Peters said, “On the Gorsuch nomination, Joe, there’s a lot of frustration privately among Democratic Senators, who will tell you, it’s incredibly shortsighted of the Democrats to block this — or to try to block this, they can’t block it, of course, and lose their ability to filibuster whoever Trump nominates for the next open court seat. Because you don’t know what the political dynamics are going to look like. You don’t know how weak or strong Trump might be then. And if you take away the filibuster, and waste it on this fight, you basically give Trump carte blanche to nominate whomever he wants to the Supreme Court the next time around, and that one’s going to be possibly for the Kennedy seat, and that one determines the makeup of the court. So, it seems like a wasted bullet I think, at least this is what I’m hearing from some Democrats about it in the Senate.”

(h/t Grabien)

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