Friday on NBC’s “Today,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was pressed by show co-host Savannah Guthrie on what information she might have that suggests President Donald Trump had ties with the Russian government, or if it was just speculation without proof, as Guthrie said Trump had done with his predecessor Barack Obama.

“I just wonder what the Russians have politically, personally or financially on President Trump,” Pelosi replied. “Because this is about a national security issue. Why would the president of the United States just come in and start to flirt with the idea of lifting sanctions on Russia in terms of their behavior in Eastern Europe? Why would the president of the United States question the START treaty? Why the question of the United States put Putin on a pedestal and diminish the greatness of America? There’s something wrong with this picture.”

Guthrie went on to ask that despite Pelosi having these questions if she had any underlying facts to suggest any of those were scenarios were in play.

“Nothing I would suggest here, but I would say this — let’s have the outside independent commission investigate all of this,” Pelosi added. “And I don’t know how many more days where new news connecting the Trump campaign to the Russians needs to come forward for the Republicans in Congress to say, ‘Let’s get to the truth.”

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