On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” columnist Charles Krauthammer argued that filibustering Judge Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court is a “totally illogical” move Democrats are pursuing because they’re responding to the “Trump Derangement Syndrome” of their base.

Krauthammer said, “[I]t makes no sense. It’s totally illogical if you’re a Democrat. The fight is going to be over the next nominee. As you say, this nominee does not alter the balance of the court ideologically. The next very well could, whether it’s a Kennedy, or a Ginsburg, or a Breyer, it could be a radical change, a semi-radical if it’s a Kennedy, and that would have an effect. And you’d expect the Democrats to want to save their ammunition, but they are expending it here.”

He added, “I think they are, in some ways, suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, in the sense that they might not be personally deranged by his presence, but they have a base that has not recovered from the election, and they insist that anybody who represents them and does not want to face a primary fight, or have a demonstration outside their house on a weekend, is — will oppose what Trump is doing. This is about Trump. It isn’t about Gorsuch. And that I think, is their motive for doing it, but it makes no sense because, if this is the first partisan filibuster, it will be the last.”

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