Friday on Fox Business Network’s “Varney & Company,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) called the U.S. strikes against an air base in Syria in response to a chemical weapons attack “unconstitutional.”

According to Paul, the president should have come to Congress and he also questioned the wisdom of the attack because down the road it may have unintended consequences.

“The only way the president is allowed to act unilaterally is to prevent an imminent attack or to respond to an imminent attack,” Paul said. “Even when we were attacked at Pearl Harbor, FDR came the next morning and asked Congress for approval before he did anything.”

“I think it is unconstitutional,” he added. “The question whether or not is advisable, we should have a big robust debate. In the Iraq war, everyone was gleeful to go after an evil dictator — Saddam Hussein. And yet, the end result was Iran became stronger. And now, the same loud cries for war against Hussein are the same loud cries for war against Iran. So if we topple … Assad, what comes next? Would we like the Islamic rebels to take over? Perhaps they hate us and Israel more than Assad does.”

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