On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks argued that President Trump has “had a good week” on China and North Korea, and “one has to give some credit to Donald Trump.”

Brooks stated, “The North Korea situation is unnerving, but I have to say, I think the president’s had a good week on the subject. The shift in China, the harsher tone from China toward North Korea, the, in effect, drawing a red line against North Korea and also against us, that’s a win. That’s a very significant development, that China is clearly upset, clearly concerned about what’s going on, and they’re willing to step into North Korea and say, don’t cross that line. And so, that is a significant shift.”

He added, “And one has to give some credit to Donald Trump. And, two things have happened. One is the Syria thing happened, and the sense that the US is sort of active again in the world, which it hasn’t been for many years. And, second, and I made this point last week, and Mark didn’t respond favorably to it, which is, there is some advantages and disadvantages to having an unpredictable guy as president.”

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