Tuesday on CNN’s “New Day,” Democratic congressional hopeful Jon Ossoff, who is reportedly one of the front-runners in the special election to fill the vacancy in Georgia’s Sixth Congressional district left by now-HHS Secretary Tom Price, dismissed the relevance of not living inside of the district for which he is running.

Ossoff told co-host Alisyn Camerota he was living outside the district while his girlfriend finished medical school and planned on moving back once she finishes.

“I grew up in this district,” he replied. “I grew up in this community. It’s my home. My family is still there. I’m a mile-and-a-half down the street to support Alicia while she finishes medical school. It’s something I’ve been very transparent about. In fact, I’m proud to be supporting her career. As soon as she finishes her medical training, I’ll be 10 minutes back up the road into the district where I grew up.”

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