Friday in an interview with CNN, Attorney General Jeff Sessions addressed remarks he made earlier this week on Mark Levin’s nationally syndicated radio show questioning how a judge on an island in Hawaii can thwart executive actions taken by President Donald Trump regarding immigration to the United States.

Sessions maintained he wasn’t criticizing Hawaii or Federal Judge Derrick Watson but did question how a single federal judge out hundreds can have so much power.

“I wasn’t criticizing the judge or the island,” Sessions said. “I think it’s a fabulous place and had a granddaughter born there. But I got to tell you it is a point worth making that single sitting district judge out of 600, 700 district judges can issue an order stopping a presidential executive order that I believe is fully constitutional designed to protect the United States of America from terrorist attack. And I was just raising the point of that issue of a single judge taking such a dramatic action and the impact it can have.”

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