Thursday on Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show,” host Trevor Noah made his case for UC-Berkeley to allow conservative commentator Ann Coulter to speak.

After mocking her, he argued her detractors should relent and allow her to speak, but also said that she didn’t actually want to speak at Berkeley.

“[L]ook man, she’s right about the free speech thing, but here’s my opinion,” he said. “Even though Ann Coulter is clearly trolling and doing this for the publicity of not letting her speak, they should just let her speak. Because you realize, she doesn’t actually want to speak. She wants to be stopped from speaking.”

“The truth is, a side effect of free speech is that there will always be hate speech,” Noah added. “If you ban one, you risk banning the other. Like you might call Ann Coulter ‘hate speech,’ but then what’s to stop Jeff Sessions from calling Black Lives Matter ‘hate speech?’ If there is one idea America has given the world, it’s the idea of absolute free speech.”

(h/t Daily Beast)

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