On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” filmmaker Michael Moore argued that the “only hope” to avoid nuclear war is “please, Pentagon, if you’re watching, the football, the nuclear football that his aide carries around in that briefcase with the nuclear codes, I’m guessing they don’t actually have the real codes in there. They’re never going to put the real codes in there for him.”

After host Chris Hayes said that he roots for Trump to “handle the North Korea situation well.” Moore responded, “I don’t know if I agree with that, because…it’s like rooting for a 6-year-old who suddenly swiped dad’s car and figured out how to take it down the road. I’m not rooting for the 6-year-old to get on the highway and drive that car. I want the 6-year-old off the highway.”

Hayes stated he’d like to avoid nuclear war. Moore countered that “you’ve got the wrong person.” He added, “[O]ur only hope is that, please, Pentagon, if you’re watching, the football, the nuclear football that his aide carries around in that briefcase with the nuclear codes, I’m guessing they don’t actually have the real codes in there. They’re never going to put the real codes in there for him.”

Hayes then asked if this was a joke, to which Moore answered, “No, I hope it’s not a joke. If you’re watching, over in Arlington.”

Moore later added, “[H]opefully, there are safeguards set up around him. Again, if you’re watching at the Pentagon, please.”

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