On this weekend’s broadcast of  “Fox News Sunday,” White House chief of staff Reince Priebus said the Republican Party would “be rewarded” for tackling health care.

Host Chris Wallace said, “House Republicans are right now facing angry voters at town halls this weekend. On Friday, ‘The Cook Political Report,’ which you know well, the kind of unofficial bible assessing House races, shifted its assessment of 20 seats now held by Republicans in the direction of Democrats. I’m not saying they’re going to win them, but that they are more likely for Democrats to win. You could lose your House majority over this.”

Priebus said, “Yeah, these are the same people that said Donald Trump wasn’t going to run and he ran, he couldn’t win the general, he won the general, he couldn’t get health care repeal and replace through the House, he got it through the House. Look, the fact of the matter is there are sometimes in life you have to do what’s right, not what’s politically expedient. We believe this is going to be a better product, and by the time people see the premiums are lower, it’s a better service, more options, more choices, they’re going to reward the Republicans that stood up and said we are not going to see the Obamacare system, which is failing and collapsing continue any longer. We’re going to do something better, and We’re going to do our job as legislators to get this thing done. I think that the Republican Party will be rewarded.”

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