Monday on MSNBC, while discussing his press release calling for President Donald Trump to be impeached, Rep. Al Green (D-TX) declared he believed Trump would “be found guilty” if impeachment made it to the Senate for trial.

Green said, “First, let me explain that impeachment is not the finding of guilt. It is important for people to know the House impeaches and that the Senate can have a trial where the president may or may not be found guilty. This is something that I’m calling to the attention of the public. I plan to approach my colleagues when we return to Washington, D.C. As you know, we’ve been working in our districts. I think it is a very possible option. It’s possible because, again, the public will have the last word. Events are still unfolding. The president has committed acts that are impeachable.”

“You don’t fire the person who is investigating you and then say, ‘I did it and I thought about the investigation at the time that I did it,’ and then go on to tweet what may be an intimidating commentary,” he continued. “All of these things added together would cause one to conclude this is subject to impeachment in the House. I would assure people if this impeachment takes place, I believe the president will be found guilty if we get it to the Senate. This president has done some atrocious things. To insult to the injury that he has caused by firing Comey under the circumstances that he fired him, he then decided he would hobnob with two of the characters that are the subject of the some of the consternation that we are currently experiencing. One attorney general has had to recuse himself because of this. Mr. Flynn has been fired because of his association with the ambassador. These are things we cannot overlook. And impeachment is a proper process to for us to engage in. The Constitution permits it and we should engage in it.”

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